About Nora Femenia
Relationships are at the core of human experience, and the basic tool for personal development. Having emotionally fulfilling relationships is one of the pillars of mental and physical health in children and adults. Helping you to develop more successful relationships will transform you into a resilient and happy person!
Nora has a long experience coaching passive aggressive, abusive marriages into respectful relationships. She was a systemic family therapist in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for twenty years before moving to Syracuse, N.Y. to pursue her Ph.D. in conflict studies.

After graduating from Syracuse University, Nora has been teaching conflict-solving strategies for different audiences: classroom teaching, group teaching, seminars in several parts of the world, family mediation training here in the USA and abroad, etc.
She now offers conflict coaching to individuals and couples, using her own coaching method that merges developmental psychology and conflict studies.
Nora is very familiar with conflict theories, and different therapy practices in family and individual therapy, but much deeper into interpersonal dynamics in marriage and relationships. She can identify what are the frustrated human needs not being covered at the present in the marital interaction, provides strategies to understand and accept each others’ needs and develop a plan for helping a couple improve their communication focusing on emotional needs for love, connection and respect.
Nora believes that relationships are at the core of human experience, and are the basic tool for personal development. Research validates emotionally fulfilling relationships as the pillars of mental and physical health in children and adults. Being in successful relationships helps people to become resilient and productive.
Nora applies her own method for understanding and improvement of couple and family relationships based on how the childhood origins of emotional life influence our adult love life. The main core of this approach is “attachment theory,” which tells us that the way our FIRST caretaker treats us (with security and love, with anxiety or with plain rejection) shape our view of the world for ever.
“People trapped by their attachment-generated mindset are not free, and have no way to see reality but through the conditioning of attachment. If they were raised by an anxious mother, they learned this life lesson: “you can never trust someone completely,” and therefore it will be natural for them to have severe difficulty in trusting the quality of their marital bond as adults. Nothing that a partner can do will offer the needed security if this early conditioning is not revealed and included in the map.”
If and when people become aware of this original conditioning, generated by their childhood attachment and converted later into their mindset, they can recognize their limitations and change their lives. Besides that, if we don’t recognize our mindset as a product of our experience with our caretakers, and how much we are in the present limited by those experiences, (not chosen by us, but shaped by past attachment) we are slaves of this perspective.
Nora’s conflict coaching focuses on mapping early attachments; discovering the mindset produced by them, listing the non-productive behaviors emanated from this mindset, and providing clients with new strategies to replace old behaviors. Helping clients expand their emotional mindset to try new behaviors allows them to develop loving and nurturing connections.
This method provides you with a new, fresh perspective on couple conflicts, relieves partners from guilt and accusation, and helps with:
- Renew trust and communication
- Get needs for love and connection met in your marriage
- Personal empowerment to make new steps towards your life goals
How can you access Nora’s expertise? By following her in her activities:
You can follow Coach Nora at:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/norafemenia
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peacewonk
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/norafemenia
Amazon: amazon.com/author/norafemenia
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